In our class in week 4 we focused our attention on how transformation happens in our lives through the abiding presence of the life-giving Spirit. We spent some time reflecting on the focus of transformation. We used Scot McKnight's imagery of transformation being the process of being restored from broken eikons to whole eikons.
As we explored the Scriptures we came to realize that transformation into the likeness of Jesus happens in the presence of three factors ~ human effort, the power of the Holy Spirit, in the context of community. Taking away any of these three factors and we miss transformation.
We also took time to explore the Classical Christian understanding of steps on this journey of transformation ~ Awakening, Purgation, Illumination, and Union. We concluded with this quote from Adele Calhoun, "Spiritual practices exist to open us into God. They are never the "be all and end all" of discipleship. The "be all and end all" is a loving trust of and obedience to the God who is within us yet beyond us and our very best efforts."