Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Transforming Center

Over the past year and a half I have been participating in the Transforming Community program hosted by the Transforming Center. Once a quarter I travel down to the Chicago area to spend two and a half days on retreat. Our time is equally divided between large group teaching session, small group spiritual direction, and solitude. This has been a much needed and very beneficial process for me.

If you are interested in reading some of the teaching that we have been receiving, then check out either Sacred Rhythms or Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership - both by Ruth Haley Barton. They are very much worth the money!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Church and State

This Sunday is the 4th of July which marks the acceptance of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress in 1776. It was the formal declaration that the 13 American colonies were no longer under the ownership of the British Empire. Many of us will enjoy this weekend by watching spectacular fireworks displays with family and friends.

National celebrations like Independence Day provide an opportunity for those of us who are followers of Jesus to consider what our relationship with any 'state' should be like? To what extent is it permisable to nationalize our faith in Jesus? If your church removed the U.S. flag from the sanctuary would you be upset? Why? To whom do we swear our allegiance as followers of Jesus?

Krista Tippet, of NPR, hosted a panel discussion with Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne regarding this very discussion. You can find the sound file here.