Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Power of Submission

I recently completed a series of messages titled "The Power of Submission." This video of Father and Son (Dick & Rick Hoyt) captures well the essence of how we are to live in submission to the needs of the other.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Daily Conversion

One summer sunday in 1979, I asked my father how to 'get saved.' At a very old 5 years of age, I had heard our pastor talk abou heaven and hell a number of times. I was quite sure I didn't want to end up in hell if I were to die in my sleep or by falling off my tricycle. Getting saved and avoiding hell is a big deal when you are 5 years old. Really it's a big deal at any age.

I was quite a shy kid, so after my dad explained once again what it means to get saved, and how to do it, I went into the downstairs bathroom in our little townhouse and knelt at the toilet. Yes, you read correctly. I am living proof that God can save a person on the toilet!
In the tradition that I grew up in, there was great emphasis put on one's historic conversion - the date and time that a person prayed the sinner's prayer and got saved. Our historic conversion was a source of great comfort when the waves of doubt and guilt began to hold sway over our hearts. We could look back and remember the time when we were converted and then allow the peace to come again to our troubled and fearful souls.

Recently I had the opportunity to hear Gordom MacDonald speak at a conference. In his address he spoke about the need to move away from a 'historical conversion' to a 'daily conversion.' He said that we need to continually update our conversion story at the foot of the cross. Too many of us, he argued, rely upon a time in days gone by to define our present faith. We fail to continue to be converted in the many places of our lives that still hold on to the vestiges of an unconverted heart.

I agree with MacDonald. While I certainly value that summer day in 1979 when I took my first steps in choosing to become a follower of Jesus, that solitary day does not define my life of faith in Jesus. Each day I need to be converted anew - brought to life with the rising of the Son on my life. My story is still being written, day by day, conversion by conversion.