Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"No, Mr. President" by John Piper

The following link leads to a powerful video from John Piper titled "No, Mr. President." Take time to watch it and share your thoughts here!

1 comment:

__REV__ said...

Jeff... the link you said was there didn't appear to be there. At least as my IE interpreted the site. So I don't know if you need to re-post a link or not.

On my own I went and found the mini devotional you were talking about. About 3 minutes long? If thats the one, then yes, very powerful stuff.

Inconvenient "life" bothers us as a nation, as it did the ancient Romans. We're moving closer to first century Rome all the time it seems (in certain respects, though not in others). At a minimum, life is too inconvenient when it begins and when it ends. As a society we're not really sure what to do with the unwanted at the ends of the spectrum. We don't want to have to care for anyone else. We want the freedom to choose to care OR be fiercely independent. Interdependency and dependency bother us.

Our pro-death pro-convenience culture also isn't sure what to do with the homeless, the chemically dependent, or notorious criminals. So we have them put to death too. Either by state order (capital punishment) or by apathy/indifference ("they got themselves in that mess, they can get themselves out").

It takes effort to care. Indifference is easy.