Recently I was watching 'Christian' television, which I do from time to time for the entertainment value. By now I am used to the repeated 'opportunities' afforded me to plant a seed in a plethora of ministries. In fact, if I were to respond to every 'opportunity' to plant a seed in someone's ministry I would be out of seed and their storehouses would be quite full. But that is not my point in writing.
I happened upon a special announcement for a birthday party that is to be thrown for well known television preacher, Rod Parsley. This party, however, is quite unique. Apparently this is Rod's 50th birthday, so he is receiving a Jubilee Celebration. On his website Leviticus 25:10 is quoted which states, "And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family."
In addition, Rod stated the same day on his television show that God has put a special Jubilee anointing on him for his 50th year. So, once again, I'm sure we will have the opportunity to sow our seed in his ministry in this his speical Jubilee Anointed birthday year. What a great idea!
Now, I don't intend to be a party pooper, but since when did the Year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25:10 have anything to do with Rod Parsley's birthday, or anyone's birthday for that matter? In fact, I'm not aware of anyone in Scripture being given a special Jubliee Birthday anointing!
What is more amazing to me, than the obvious misuse of Scritpure in order to make a quick buck and reinforce a large personality driven ministry, is the silence from the other pastors/teachers who should be calling Rod to account for such reckless use of Scritpure in order to promote his b-day party. Is this really where the Church in America is? Are we so used to self-important, self-marketing, and self-proclaimed prophets that we have lost the way of Jesus altogether? I hope not...
It is obvious to me that you are not a "SPIRITUAL BELIEVER". I don't expect you to understand the "WORD OF GOD" and the interpretation of a jubilee bithday being a christian celebration. "The natural man does not understand the things of the spirit for they are foolishness to him and they are spritually discerned". (1Corinthians 2:14)
Hi Disciple,
Thanks for your comment. Can you please share with us the Biblical basis for a special jubilee birthday blessing that can be transmitted to others? I am willing to admit my error if you would help me in this way. Thanks!
I'm really intrigued too. Could you please explain the difference between a Spiritual Believer and an Unspiritual Believer?
Further, I would not only echo Jeff's question, but also would inquire as to what you mean in quoting 1 Cor. 2:14. In the context, Paul seems to be referring to worldly wisdom vs. godly/Spirit wisdom. The good news of Jesus is foolish to humanistic philosophy, but humanistic philosophy is foolish to God. If my reading of this is the same as yours, then am I right in assuming you are accusing Jeff of being non-Spiritual? Humanistic? And if that is your accusation, I'm curious on what basis?
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