Friday, February 27, 2009

Atheist Penn Jillette on Evangelism

Penn Jillette, of Penn & Teller, is a well known atheist. He shares an encounter that he had after one of their shows with a man who gave him a Bible. Interesting observations...

1 comment:

__REV__ said...

Couple obeservations.

First, his statements about evangelism and not truly caring about others and the word picture of a truck... wow. That will shame many "evangelicals." He nailed it.

Secondly, the witness of this man who talked to him. Praise God! Praise God there are actually salt and light Christians out there!

Finally, despite boldly asserting, "I still know there's no god," I found it intriguing that something cracked/clicked in Penn Jillette's mind - a glimmer of hope??? Not sure, but something "got thru." And thats really neat. A good time to pray for him.