Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Eschatology of Jesus

Scot McKnight is just starting to post a paper he wrote and presented on the Eschatology of Jesus. He wrote that R.C. Sproul recently described his view as a 'partial preterist,' for those of you who care. You can find his first post here. And his second post from today, here.

1 comment:

__REV__ said...

Interesting stuff. I like some of what McKnight has said. I like Tom Wright, so I appreciate much of the McKnight angle also.

Yes, the rapture crowd with its elaborate eschatologies and fanciful literalist stories is not my cup of tea.

That said, I'm very curious how McKnight will flesh out the "something happened in AD 70" idea. For me thats still a bit vague. Even trying to avoid the pre-trib/LaHaye camp, I still can't help but read the NT (especially Paul's letters) as literally expecting that Jesus could bodily return ANY DAY NOW! The NT writers seemed quite pressed for the urgent. Why so urgent if its merely a "vindication," merely a "something" that happened in AD 70?

This remains one of the most perplexing problems for me in my Christian eschatology. I'll be curious where the articles keep going. Keep the links coming!