Saturday, March 14, 2009

N.T. Wright in Response

On the side bar of this blog is a listing of blogs I follow. One is by Dr. Ben Witherinton III who is one of the leading New Testament scholars of our day. His most recent post is a Q & A with Bishop N.T. Wright about his book "Surprised by Hope." I am in the process of reading the book, so far it is very good. If you are interested, here is a link to this Q & A.

1 comment:

__REV__ said...

I'm fearful that the predominant neo-platonist religiosity of the day will continue to dominate the church and any discussion of kingdom, resurrection, new creation, and so forth will be greatly limited.

Transformation and sanctification continue to be odd topics in my context, which has been dominated by the view that the earth is full of sinners and sin and we need a ticket to heaven to escape the garbage. If that is the primary "decision" one has to make, then all this talk of transformation, new earth, resurrection, and the locus in evangelism being on Jesus and not "where do I go after I die?"... then... well... that would really stir the pot (and has) in my context. Seems like an enormous up hill battle sometimes!